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Level of the Course: Diploma in Elementry education premier colleges, we are making learning more relevant and transformational. We are enriched by the wide range.
Name of the Teacher Education Course: D.El.Ed.
Duration of the Course: 2 Year
Whether to be conducted in face
To face or distance mode: Face to face
Proposed Intake: 50 ( One Units) per year.
Details of the Affiliating Body: Bihar School Examination Board, Patna
Paper 1 Teacher in emerging Indian society………… .…..100
Paper 2 Educational Psychology……………………… .…..100
Paper 3 Development of Education system in India……….100
Paper 4 Essentials of Educational Technology, Guidance & Management……..100
Access to libraries, research facilities, and experienced faculty helps deepen knowledge and skills in your field.
They possess a deep understanding of their subject matter, effective classroom management techniques, and the ability to engage and motivate students.
A positive learning environment is crucial for effective education and can significantly influence student engagement, motivation, and overall success.
Skilled teachers often work with colleagues, parents, and the community to enhance the educational experience.
Your assistance in providing this information would be greatly appreciated, as it will help me make informed decisions about my educational path.
I would appreciate any information you can provide regarding Admission.